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<h1 class="title">Includes, rsync and Variables - Oh My!</h1>
<p class="date">Fri, 08 Jul 2022</p>
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<ul><li><a href="#default-header-footer-includes">Default &#x201C;header&#x201D; &amp; &#x201C;footer&#x201D; Includes</a></li><li><a href="#syncing-changes-with-rsync">Syncing Changes with rsync</a></li><li><a href="#on-the-horizon">On the Horizon&#x2026;</a></li></ul>
<p>Even though <code>pblog</code> was just launched a week ago, it has since been updated with some nice quality-of-life improvements.</p><h3 id="default-header-footer-includes">Default &#x201C;header&#x201D; &amp; &#x201C;footer&#x201D; Includes</h3><p>A new variable was added to the main <code></code> configuration file called <code>INC_HEAD_FOOT</code>. By default this is set to <code>true</code> and simply pulls in two HTML files:</p><ul><li><code>_header.html</code>: all content within is placed directly after the opening <code>body</code> tag</li><li><code>_footer.html</code>: all content within is placed directly before the closing <code>body</code> tag</li></ul><p>These includes are added to every outputted file from inside both the <code>posts</code> and <code>pages</code> directories on build.</p><h3 id="syncing-changes-with-rsync">Syncing Changes with rsync</h3><p>Although it adds another dependency to the project, I believe utilizing <code>rsync</code> for the generated files is far better then nuking the directory from orbit each time. This also provides a cleaner experience for users syncing their <code>_output</code> directory with their web server of choice.</p><h3 id="on-the-horizon">On the Horizon&#x2026;</h3><p>My plan was to also tackle the issue of &#x201C;auto rebuilds&#x201D; when running <code>pblog</code> locally. This became more of a headache than I initially estimated - so it was dropped from this patch. My hope is to get something up-and-running in the near future, while avoiding the inclusion of yet another major dependency. Anyone more experienced than myself in the ways of &#x201C;auto rebuilds&#x201D; is free to open a patch if they so desire!</p><p>Thanks for your interest in these minor updates!</p><p>P.S. Don&#x2019;t forget - if your website runs on <code>pblog</code> be sure to reach out and get it featured on the <a href="/">homepage</a>!</p>
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