--- title: "How to use Matrix" --- Matrix is a decentralized end-to-end encrypted Instant Messaging platform, this means that no one can spy on your messages, no one person or company single-handedly controls the entire network and you can message your friends like you would on Discord, Skype or WhatsApp. In fact, it is an ethical alternative to those proprietary platforms. ~vern hosts a Matrix instance, which means you can get a `@YOUR_USERNAME:vern.cc` account, and anyone else who uses Matrix (even on other servers) can talk to you using this address and vice versa. And ~vern also hosts many clients, a client is the actual chat program that lets you send and receive messages easily. To get started, register a [~vern account](/guides/register/) and make sure to select "Matrix" as one of the services, if you did not enable "Matrix" then [contact the ~vern admins](/staff/#admins) and ask them to create an account for you. ~vern hosts a frontend called Element, this frontend is very user-friendly and you only need a web browser, there are other clients or frontends for mobile devices but we are not gonna talk about them here, just make sure the client you want to install is ethical and free software. If you use a proprietary or unethical one then be aware since it will have full access to your Matrix messages. If you want to use Element, go to [riot.vern.cc](https://riot.vern.cc) and login with your username and password. Your Matrix username is usually your ~vern username. If you do not know your ~vern username then you can probably find it in the email you received from the ~vern admins. If you do not remember your password then you can [contact the admins](/staff/#admins) for help. Now you will be presented with the Element dashboard, and you might notice how similar it is to Discord, Element looks and functions a lot like Discord so Discord users should have an easy time migrating and getting used to it. But Element is a very simple interface and it is easy to learn even if you do not know Discord. You also might have noticed an invite to something called the "~vern Matrix Space" or "~vern Space", basically this space is ran by the ~vern administrators and it is a group for ~vern members to talk in. Anyone (irregardless of whether they are a ~vern member or not) can join and talk in this space but it is primarily for ~vern users. You can also contact the admins here but make sure to start a Direct Message if what you are talking about is sensitive (such as password recovery and whatnot) One word of caution is that if you join too many rooms then it will take too long to synchronise messages every time you log in. Try to keep your room list tidy or you will be experiencing lag everytime you log in. Have fun!