--- title: "About ~vern's Matrix Instance" --- We run a Matrix homeserver of our own, which means you can communicate to from other Matrix servers (and even XMPP servers using bridges) with your ~vern account, your username will appear as `@USER:vern.cc` Our matrix instance runs locally built debian packages of [tulir's fork of synapse](https://mau.dev/maunium/synapse) under monolith mode. ## Bots We have an instance of maubot which runs the following: * sedbot (@sedbot:vern.cc) * rssbot (@rss:vern.cc) * weatherbot (@weather:vern.cc) * ping/echobot (@ping:vern.cc) * XKCDBot (@xkcd:vern.cc) * reminderbot(@reminder:vern.cc) * urbandictionary (@urbdict:vern.cc) * serverchecker (@servers:vern.cc) * translate (@tl:vern.cc) * imperial -> metric (@metric:vern.cc). ## XMPP Bridge We also host bifrost, a XMPP bridge. The address syntax to access XMPP from Matrix: * Private chats: `@_jabber_USER=40DOMAIN:vern.cc` * MUCs: `#_jabber_MUCNAME_MUCDOMAIN:vern.cc` The address syntax to access Matrix from XMPP: * Direct chats: `USERNAME_DOMAIN@bi.vern.cc` * Public chats: `#ALIAS#DOMAIN@bi.vern.cc` It also supports plumbing of existent Matrix rooms to XMPP rooms, room administrators can perform plumbing by doing the following: * Invite `@jabber:vern.cc` into the room * Type `!bifrost bridge xmpp-js component.domain.tld roomname` where the MUC on XMPP would be called `roomname@component.domain.tld` * To eventually remove the plumbing you can just type `!bifrost leave` You can also type `!bifrost help` for help on bifrost commands at any time. ## Message Retention We currently do not have a message retention policy set, but its possible to delete all your messages when you deactivate your user by setting `erase=true` option in json. You can also delete all your recent messages in a room with the `Remove Recent Messages` option in Element ## What clients do you host? We host instances of [Element](https://riot.vern.cc), [Cinny](https://cinny.vern.cc) and [Hydrogen](https://h2.vern.cc). We use our own dimension server for integrations server and default to using our [jitsi instance](https://jitsi.vern.cc/).