Frequently asked questions

This is the list of frequently asked questions regarding ~vern and the services we host. We try our best to answer these questions, but if something must be specified, contact an admin. This is is ever-expanding, and if you want an item added, contact an admin.

How do I sign up?

Sign up by going to the registration page and filling out the form. An admin will review your request. You will get an e-mail if your request was accepted.

How can I get my public key replaced?

Send a request from the e-mail you used to register and an admin will replace your key.

Will SSH leak my IP address?

No. We use WireGuard to connect our VPS to the main tilde. Unlike other public UNIX-like systems where all IP addresses are leaked, all connections to ~vern's services show up as coming from This includes the website.

Which distros does ~vern use?

We use debian on almost all of our servers with non-free repos disabled. The exception is our PubnixVM which runs NixOS with Linux-Libre.

For more info, see /sysinfo

How do I set up my user site?

Simply place all the relevant site files in ~/public_html for HTTP & ~/public_gemini for Gemini. This will be the root directory for your website/capsule. For example, if a user foo wanted a site, they would create /home/foo/public_html/index.html. A file /bar in foo's user site would be located at /home/foo/public_html/bar.

User sites for HTTP are rendered on the URL and User sites for Gemini also render on both URLs.

Can you host X?

If you would like a service to be hosted by us, contact an admin and discuss it with them. You could also add it here. We are always open to new services to host, but it may take a while to get it fully set up.

Can you install X?

We currently have nix home-manager set up (run nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install to generate the default config) set up, so you can install any libre software that is in the nix repositories into your own home directory. If a package is popular we might install it globally.

Can I use custom domains with my user site?

It is possible by adding a CNAME record to your domain that points to

Why is X broken?

If a service is not working, please inform an admin.

Why can't I access vern services over IPv6?

Sadly, our tildeserver's ISP does not provide IPv6. Therefore IPv6 won't be possible until we sort it out..

Why do I get an error when trying to access my user site? I have everything in ~/public_html!

Typically this happens because of incorrect permissions in the folder.

The www-data user must be able to read your website directory, so make your home directory executable and public_html or public_gemini readable and executable.

You can fix the permissions by running chmod 711 ~; chmod 755 ~/public_html ~/public_gemini

I didn't request an account on a chat program and no longer have the E-mail I signed up with. How can I contact an admin?

Devzat is a chat program accessable over SSH that we host on port 2221. To connect, simply run ssh -p2221. To open a direct message room with an admin, type cd foo, replacing foo with the username of the admin (e.g. aryak or cobra).

Why do ~vern admins shill ~vern so much?

We shill ~vern because we are passionate about it. Arya told me to add this question here. This question is only here as a joke.