diff --git a/misc/i2paddr.txt b/misc/i2paddr.txt index 4599274..dce424c 100644 --- a/misc/i2paddr.txt +++ b/misc/i2paddr.txt @@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ port is the port you chose above, e.g. 11040. two services may not have the same type is optional, only needed if it isn't an http tunnel, it will be "server" for generic TCP tunnels (most non-http), and "udpserver" for UDP tunnels (mumble and minetest use this). host is the address to listen on, will usually be if the service is on the tildeserver (most of the time), or if it's located on the VPS (among-sus used to be). inport is the port to listen on. by default it's 80, meaning web services won't need this option. but for non-http services (e.g. SSH, Gemini) it is required to be inputted (e.g. 22, 1965). Nginx will listen on the `port` value, not the `inport` value, so make the `listen` directive must have the same port as the `port` you used earlier. (you get it). -for inr.i2p, use the short form domain (e.g. lr.vern.i2p, git.vern.i2p). the base 64 address can be found with `i2pb64 service_name` (yes, the same service_name as before). the description must start with "~vern (vern.i2p)" and be something along the lines of "~vern (vern.i2p) Libreddit instance" or similar. Since it's a subdomain, it'll ask you to create a file. there is already one there, just `mv` it to the new name they provided (or `rm` it and `touch` the new one, i don't care). Address helper is http://whatever.vern.i2p/?i2paddresshelper=$(i2pb64 whatever)