--- title: pblog.xyz toc: false --- Peanut butter sandwich ## Pandoc static blog generator `pblog` comes packed with an incredible list of features: - 5-second configuration - Write all your posts and pages in Markdown - Valid RSS 2.0 feed (customized design too!) and it also *doesn't* ship with a lot of other features: - No advanced template layouts - No themes - No categories / tagging systems - No comments - No auto rebuilds for local testing But you can add these things yourself with a little know-how and patience! The goal of `pblog` is to remain as bare-bones as possible, so these "extras" are left out intentionally. ## Live Demo This very website is a live demo! Mind blowing, right? Take a look at the [automated blog list](/blog) to see some blog posts. ## Requirements #### On MacOS / BSD Systems - [rsync](https://linux.die.net/man/1/rsync) - [coreutils](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/) - [xsltproc](http://xmlsoft.org/xslt/xsltproc.html) - [Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/installing.html) #### On Linux - [rsync](https://linux.die.net/man/1/rsync) - [xsltproc](http://xmlsoft.org/xslt/xsltproc.html) - [Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/installing.html) ## Getting Started 1. Clone the project repo: [https://git.sr.ht/~tdarb/pblog.xyz](https://git.sr.ht/~tdarb/pblog.xyz) 2. Edit the variables at the top of the `pblog.sh` file 3. **!! Pay close attention to the `OS` variable to set your correct operating system !!** 4. Edit the posts in `posts` and pages in `pages` to your own 5. Run `make` from the root directory 6. Upload the contents of the `_output` folder to your server 7. Profit!!! For a more in-depth look, take a look at the article [Introducing pblog](/blog/pblog-intro.html) ## Base Settings #### Table of Contents By default `pblog` ships with TOC (Table of Contents) enabled. You can disable this on each individual page or post by editing the `TOC `variable in `pblog.sh` to `false`: ```yaml TOC: false ``` #### Code Highlighting `pblog` uses the standard syntax highlighting provided with Pandoc. To disable this, set the `SYNTAX` variable to `false` in `pblog.sh`: ```yaml SYNTAX: false ``` ## Extras - Add all media files (images, videos, etc.) under the `media` folder - Customize the look of your blog by editing the included `style.css` - Looking for fancier *image manipulation*? Take a look at [this detailed post to get setup](/tweaks.html) ## Sites built with pblog - [tdarb.org](https://tdarb.org) - [matthewgraybosch.com](https://matthewgraybosch.com) You can share your **pblog** websites by emailing me at the address listed below and I'll add them here. hello at tdarb {dot} org