``` __ / _\_/| _______ ____ __ |/ \__/ / / _ \ '__| '_ \ \ v / __/ | | | | | \_/ \___|_| |_| |_| ``` # Welcome to ~vern! ~vern is a non-commercial shared GNU/Linux system. All our servers run fully free GNU/Linux distributions. We are also aiming to become a member of the Tildeverse after we meet the requirements. => /announcements.gmi Check out the new announcements! ## Services We host many services, most are available to everyone through the HTTPS protocol. You can get access to these services by signing up, which can be done through the web interface. => https://vern.cc/ Check'em out. ## Community You can join our community on most major free software chat platforms: => https://matrix.to/#/#vern:vern.cc Matrix => xmpp:vern@muc.vern.cc XMPP => ircs://irc.tilde.chat:6697/#vern IRC More often than not, Matrix is our main platform. If you need help, we'll surely be there. ## ~vern logo/ascii art => ./logo.gmi The logo variations can be found here. -------------------- Made with <3 by ~vern team => ./admins.gmi Copyright (C) 2022-2023 ~vern team => https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Some rights reserved under CC BY-SA 4.0. => http://git.vern.cc/vern/gemini Find the source code for this capsule on Forgejo.