
89 lines
4.8 KiB

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<feed xmlns=''>
<link rel='self' href='' />
<title>"renamed feed.txt to feed.tsv. added hooks. made all of the scripts in scripts/ executable" (hooks/post-commit)</title>
<link href='hooks/post-commit' />
<summary>"renamed feed.txt to feed.tsv. added hooks. made all of the scripts in scripts/ executable"</summary>
<title>"added feed.txt, as well as scripts/new_feed_entry.el. i will soon generate my ATOM feeds using feed.txt instead of src/feed.ass" (feed.txt)</title>
<link href='feed.txt' />
<summary>"added feed.txt, as well as scripts/new_feed_entry.el. i will soon generate my ATOM feeds using feed.txt instead of src/feed.ass"</summary>
<title>"added feed.txt, as well as scripts/new_feed_entry.el. i will soon generate my ATOM feeds using feed.txt instead of src/feed.ass" (scripts/new_feed_entry.el)</title>
<link href='scripts/new_feed_entry.el' />
<summary>"added feed.txt, as well as scripts/new_feed_entry.el. i will soon generate my ATOM feeds using feed.txt instead of src/feed.ass"</summary>
<title>"renamed testing/example.ass and testing/example.gmi to testing/input.ass and testing/input.gmi. also added more content to testing/input.gmi for further testing" (testing/input.gmi)</title>
<link href='testing/input.gmi' />
<summary>"renamed testing/example.ass and testing/example.gmi to testing/input.ass and testing/input.gmi. also added more content to testing/input.gmi for further testing"</summary>
<title>"consolidated navigation bar generation logic into scripts/navbar.awk. also recorded new output testing/output.html as correct." (scripts/navbar.awk)</title>
<link href='scripts/navbar.awk' />
<summary>"consolidated navigation bar generation logic into scripts/navbar.awk. also recorded new output testing/output.html as correct."</summary>
<title>"added a glossary" (src/glossary.gmi)</title>
<link href='src/glossary.gmi' />
<summary>"added a glossary"</summary>
<title>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff" (testing/example.ass)</title>
<link href='testing/example.ass' />
<summary>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff"</summary>
<title>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff" (testing/example.gmi)</title>
<link href='testing/example.gmi' />
<summary>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff"</summary>
<title>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff" (testing/output.atom)</title>
<link href='testing/output.atom' />
<summary>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff"</summary>
<title>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff" (testing/output.gmi)</title>
<link href='testing/output.gmi' />
<summary>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff"</summary>
<title>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff" (testing/output.html)</title>
<link href='testing/output.html' />
<summary>"minor changes to scripts/html.awk. i dunno, stuff to do with the navigation bar i guess. also added snapshot testing via git-diff"</summary>