var shell = require('shelljs') const fs = require("fs") const Discord = require("discord.js") const VDiscord = require('@discordjs/voice') const player = VDiscord.createAudioPlayer({behaviors: {noSubscriber: VDiscord.NoSubscriberBehavior.Pause}}) const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: [ //yetkiler Discord.GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, Discord.GatewayIntentBits.GuildVoiceStates, Discord.GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, Discord.GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent ] }) var loop = false const json = require("./config.json") const prefixregex = json.prefix.replace("$", "\\\$") const translate_help = `\`\`\` translate [--help] TRANSLATING_LANGUAGE TRANSLATED_LANGUAGE TRANSLATING_TEXT --help shows this help message TRANSLATING_LANGUAGE: language that you write to translate, e.g. turkish TRANSLATED_LANGUAGE: language that you want to get, e.g. english TRANSLATING_TEXT: the text that you want to translated, e.g. "Merhaba, Ben on dört yaşındayım." example for command: $ translate tr en "Merhaba, Ben on dört yaşındayım." > "Hello, I am fourteen years old." \`\`\`` async function translate(lang1, lang2, text) { const res = await fetch("", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ q: text, source: lang1, target: lang2, format: "text", api_key: "" }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }) return res.json() } function error(err,msg) { try { msg.reply(`Error while downloading sound:\`\`\`\n${"" + err}\n\`\`\``) } catch { console.log(`Error while downloading sound:\n${"" + err}\n`) } } client.on("ready", () => { console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`) }) client.on("messageCreate", async (msg) => { if ( && != 1051276127760556135) return if (RegExp(prefixregex).test(msg.content) && ! { var argv = msg.content.replace(RegExp('^' + prefixregex), '') var args = argv.split(' ') const tmp = args.indexOf('') if (tmp > -1) args.splice(tmp, 1) switch (args[0]) { case "translate": if (args[3] == undefined) { //yep, actually there is no --help lol msg.reply(translate_help) break } try { var translated = await translate(args[1], args[2], argv.replace(RegExp('^' + args[0]), '').replace(' ' + args[1], '').replace(' ' + args[2], '').replace(/^ /, '')) msg.reply(translated.translatedText) } catch (err) { console.log(`\`\`\`${err}\`\`\``) } finally { break } case "echo": if (args[1] != undefined) { msg.reply(argv.replace(RegExp('^' + args[0]), '')) } break case "ram": if (args[1] != undefined) { msg.delete()'^' + args[0]), '')) } break case "neofetch": msg.reply(`\`\`\`\n${shell.exec("neofetch --stdout --color_blocks off", { silent: true }).stdout}\n\`\`\``) break case "where": msg.reply("idk, I forgor :skull:") break case "whoami": msg.reply(`${}`) break case "play": if (! { msg.reply("you aren't in any voice channel!") break } shell.exec("rm -v tmp.*",{silent: true}) download = undefined; resource = undefined; stream = undefined const connection = VDiscord.joinVoiceChannel({ channelId:, guildId:, adapterCreator: }) if (args[1]) { if (args[1].startsWith("https://")) { if (args[1].includes("") || args[1].includes("")) { msg.reply("sorry, for discord rules, we can't get mp3 from youtube :c\nbut you can use Invidious or piped!") break } msg.reply(`<#${}>: playing "${shell.exec(`yt-dlp ${args[1]} --print title`,{silent: true}).stdout.replace('\n','')}"`) shell.exec(`yt-dlp ${args[1]} --output tmp.opus -x --audio-format opus`, {silent: true}) //.stdout.replace('\n','') resource = VDiscord.createAudioResource(fs.createReadStream("tmp.opus")) do { connection.subscribe(player) } while (loop) break } msg.reply("you should give url or file, not string!") break } else { flag = true msg.attachments.forEach(file => { if (file.contentType == "audio/mpeg" || file.contentType == "video/mp4") { flag = false msg.reply(`<#${}>: playing "${}"`) shell.exec(`yt-dlp ${file.url} --output tmp.opus -x`, { silent: true }) resource = VDiscord.createAudioResource(fs.createReadStream("tmp.opus")) do { connection.subscribe(player) } while (loop) } }) if (flag) msg.reply("you should give url or file!") break } /*case "loop": if (loop) {loop = false ; msg.reply("loop inactive") } else { loop = true ; msg.reply("loop active!") } break*/ default:`discord-shell: ${args[0]}: command not found`) break } } else { switch (msg.content.toLowerCase()) { case "<@1051276127760556135>" || "<@!1051276127760556135>":`\`${json.prefix}\``) break default: //console.log( break } if ( != 482321074483101716) { if (msg.content.toLowerCase().includes("fuck")) { msg.reply("AYO WTH DUDE, CALM DOWN") } if (msg.content.toLowerCase().includes("nigga") || msg.content.toLowerCase().includes("negro")) { msg.reply("WTH DUDE, DON'T BE RACIST!") } } } }) client.login(json.token)