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Signed-off-by: Skylar "The Cobra" Widulski <>
This commit is contained in:
Skylar "The Cobra" Widulski 2023-12-21 13:59:13 -05:00
commit f74a287758
Signed by: cobra
GPG Key ID: 4FD8F812083FF6F9
6 changed files with 261 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

config.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(define fifo-file "/tmp/mpd.fifo")
(define fps 45)
(define resolution 1)
(define scale 1)
(define color #xff99c8ff) ; rgba format (alpha must be 255)
(define bgcolor #x2e2016ff)
(define queue-size 1)
(define fft #f)
(define smoothing #f)
(define smoothing-factor 1.01)

yammer.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* Copyright (C) 2023 Skylar Widulski
* @file yammer.c
* @brief Discrete Fourier Transform wrapper
* @details Wrapper around FFTW's real-to-complex (r2c) discrete fourier
* transform
#include "yammer.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
* @brief Initializes the FFTW plan
* @details This function initializes the FFTW plan for the DFT. It allocates
* memory for the input and output pointers, and creates the plan.
* @param vsize The size of the input pointer
* @return The FFTW plan
* @note The caller is responsible for freeing the plan
fftw_plan init_plan(int vsize) {
double* in = fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * vsize);
fftw_complex* out = fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * vsize);
fftw_plan p = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(vsize, in, out, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
return p;
* @brief Performs the DFT
* @details This function performs the DFT on the input pointer. It allocates
* memory for the output pointer, and then copies the result of the DFT into it.
* @param plan The FFTW plan
* @param ins The input pointer
* @param len The length of the input pointer
* @return The output pointer
* @note The caller is responsible for freeing the output pointer
short int* do_dft(fftw_plan plan, short int* ins, int len) {
int result_len = len / 2 + 1;
double* in = fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * len);
short int* outs = malloc(sizeof(short int) * result_len);
fftw_complex* out = fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * result_len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
in[i] = (double)ins[i];
fftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan, in, out);
for (int i = 0; i < result_len; i++) {
outs[i] = (short int)sqrt(out[i][0] * out[i][0] +
out[i][1] * out[i][1]);
outs[i] *= (log2(2 + i) * (100.0 / result_len));
return outs;

yammer.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* Copyright (C) 2023 Skylar Widulski
* @file yammer.h
* @brief Headers for yammer.c
#ifndef _YAMMER_H_
#define _YAMMER_H_
#include <fftw3.h>
fftw_plan init_plan(int vsize);
short int* do_dft(fftw_plan plan, short int* ins, int len);
#endif // _YAMMER_H_

yammer.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
(define-module (yammer)
#:use-module (sdl2)
#:use-module (sdl2 blend-mode)
#:use-module (sdl2 events)
#:use-module (sdl2 render)
#:use-module (sdl2 rect)
#:use-module (sdl2 surface)
#:use-module (sdl2 video)
#:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
#:use-module (ice-9 futures)
#:use-module (ice-9 receive)
#:use-module (ice-9 threads)
#:use-module (ice-9 q)
#:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
#:use-module (scheme base)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (system foreign)
#:use-module (yammer fftw))
(add-to-load-path ".")
(load "config.scm")
(define recip-fps (/ 1 fps))
(define sample-size (* 3 (* 44100 recip-fps)))
(define vsize (exact (/ sample-size 4)))
(define plan #f)
(if fft (monitor (set! plan (init_plan vsize))))
(load "config.scm")
(define recip-fps (/ 1 fps))
(define sample-size (* 3 (* 44100 recip-fps)))
(define window #f)
(define win-id #f)
(define renderer #f)
(define bv (make-bytevector sample-size))
(define queue (make-q))
(define smoothing-weights '())
(define (chunk2 lst)
(if (>= (length lst) 2)
(cons (take lst 2)
(chunk2 (drop lst 2)))
(define (open-fifo filename)
(define fd (open-input-file filename))
(fcntl fd F_SETFL (logior O_NONBLOCK
(fcntl fd F_GETFL)))
(setvbuf fd 'block sample-size)
(define (read-fifo fd)
(if (port-closed? fd)
(set! fd (open-fifo fifo-file)))
(define new-bv #vu8())
(define bytes-read 0)
(while (< bytes-read sample-size)
(set! new-bv (bytevector-append new-bv (bytevector (read-u8 fd))))
(set! bytes-read (1+ bytes-read))
(set! new-bv (bytevector-append new-bv (get-bytevector-n fd (- sample-size bytes-read))))
(set! bytes-read (bytevector-length new-bv)))
(enq! queue new-bv)
(if (>= (q-length queue) queue-size)
(set! bv (deq! queue))))
(define (draw ren plst)
(clear-renderer ren)
(define init-surf #f)
(define surf #f)
(receive (x y) (window-size window)
(set! init-surf (make-rgb-surface x y 32))
(set! surf (convert-surface-format init-surf 'rgba8888))
(delete-surface! init-surf)
(fill-rect surf #nil color)
(let ((y-mid (round/ y 2)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i (/ x (length plst))))
(j 0 (1+ j)))
((>= j (length plst)))
(fill-rect surf (make-rect (floor i) 0 (ceiling/ x (length plst)) (- y-mid (abs (round/ (* y (car (list-ref plst j))) (/ 76800 scale))))) bgcolor)
(let ((n (abs (round/ (* y (cadr (list-ref plst j))) (/ 76800 scale)))))
(fill-rect surf (make-rect (floor i) (+ y-mid n) (ceiling/ x (length plst)) (- y-mid n)) bgcolor))))))
(define texture (surface->texture ren surf))
(render-copy ren texture)
(present-renderer ren)
(delete-texture! texture)
(delete-surface! surf))
(define (smooth lst)
(define ret lst)
(define (lp ren fft?)
(define read-future #f)
(define sleep-future #f)
(define plst '())
(while (not (window-closed-event? (poll-event)))
(set! sleep-future (future (usleep (round (* recip-fps 1000)))))
(if (= (bytevector-length bv) sample-size)
(set! plst (chunk2 (bytevector->sint-list bv (native-endianness) 2)))
(set! read-future (future (read-fifo fd)))
(if fft?
(if smoothing
(draw ren
(map list
(smooth (s16vector->list (do-dft plan (map car plst) (length plst))))
(smooth (s16vector->list (do-dft plan (map cadr plst) (length plst))))))
(draw ren
(map list
(s16vector->list (do-dft plan (map car plst) (length plst)))
(s16vector->list (do-dft plan (map cadr plst) (length plst))))))
(draw ren plst))))
(touch sleep-future)))
(define fd (open-fifo fifo-file))
(display fd)
(sdl-init '(video events))
(set! window (make-window #:title "Yammer"))
(set! win-id (window-id window))
(set-window-resizable! window #t)
(set! renderer (make-renderer window))
(lp renderer fft)
(delete-renderer! renderer)
(close-window! window)
(close-port fd)
(if fft (monitor (fftw_destroy_plan plan)))

yammer/fftw.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
(define-module (yammer fftw)
#:use-module (system foreign)
fftw_destroy_plan ;))
(define fftw (dynamic-link "libfftw3"))
(define FFTW_ESTIMATE 48)
(define fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d
(pointer->procedure '*
(dynamic-func "fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d" fftw)
(list int '* '* unsigned-int)))
(define fftw_destroy_plan
(pointer->procedure void
(dynamic-func "fftw_destroy_plan" fftw)
(list '*)))
(define libyammer (dynamic-link "libyammer"))
(define do_dft
(pointer->procedure '*
(dynamic-func "do_dft" libyammer)
(list '* '* int)))
(define init_plan
(pointer->procedure '*
(dynamic-func "init_plan" libyammer)
(list int)))
(define (do-dft plan lst len)
(define out (do_dft plan (bytevector->pointer (list->s16vector lst)) len))
(pointer->bytevector out (floor/ len 2) (sizeof short) 's16))