* Rural Dictionary We're rural, not urban. A privacy respecting urban dictionary client, powered by Flask. * Instances | URL | Country | Ownername | Owner Website | |--------------------+---------+-----------+-----------------| | https://rd.vern.cc + [[http://rd.vernccvbvyi5qhfzyqengccj7lkove6bjot2xhh5kajhwvidqafczrad.onion][Tor]] + [[http://vern5cxiaufqvhv4hu5ypkvw3tiwvuinae4evdbqzrioql6s2sha.b32.i2p][I2P]] | US | ~vern | https://vern.cc | * About Rural Dictionary scrapes urban dictionary for data and then displays it in html. * Supports - Define a word with multiple entries - Pagination - Random list of words - User pages - Urban Dictionary home with words of the day - Matches urban dictionary's endpoints for features listed above * Dependencies - bs4 - requests - Relatively new version of python * Redirection Simply replace a urban dictionary url with a Rural Dictionary url from the instance list above. #+BEGIN_SRC https://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=eevee https://rd.vern.cc/define.php?term=eevee #+END_SRC NOTE: More endpoints are supported * Contributors - https://codeberg.org/zortazert, created the initial Urban Dictionary frontend using JavaScript and helped develop Rural Dictionary