c o m m i t

Signed-off-by: Moxie "The Cobra" Widulski <cobra@vern.cc>
This commit is contained in:
Skylar "The Cobra" Widulski 2022-07-16 21:53:05 -04:00
commit 95399e6010
Signed by: cobra
GPG Key ID: 4FD8F812083FF6F9
23 changed files with 983 additions and 0 deletions

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# My personal website
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<div class=h><h1 id=blog>Blog posts</h1> <a aria-hidden=true href=#blog>#blog</a></div>
<p>Here is a human-readable list of my blogs, from newest to oldest, separated by month and year. For an RSS feed, see <a href=/rss.xml>/rss.xml</a>.</p>
<div class=h><h2 id=2022>2022</h2> <a aria-hidden=true href=#2022>#2022</a></div>
<div class=h><h3 id=2022-06>June 2022</h2> <a aria-hidden=true href=#2022-06>#2022-06</a></div>
<p><a href=/blogs/2022-06-17/free-assange>#FreeAssange</a> - The US government's fight against freedom</p>
<p><a href=/blogs/2022-06-16/free-software-only>Free SOFTWARE Foundation</a> - Why the FSF should not be looked up to</p>
<p><a href=/blogs/2022-06-14/who-is-the-cobra>Who is The Cobra?</a> - Who am I? Why should you read my blog?</p>
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<title>Who is The Cobra?</title>
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<div class=h><h1 id=whoami>Who is The Cobra?</h1> <a aria-hidden=true href=#whoami>#whoami</a></div>
<p>I am The Cobra. I am a free software developer and activist located in New York.</p>
<p>I put a more fully fledged introduction on my <a href=/>home page</a>.</p>
<p>Why should you read my blog? Because I will probably post a lot about free software and related issues, as well as some things in my personal life that are worth blogging about.</p>
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<title>Free SOFTWARE Foundation</title>
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<div class=h><h1 id=fsf>It's the Free SOFTWARE Foundation, forget user freedom</h1> <a aria-hidden=true href=#fsf>#fsf</a></div>
<div class=h><h2 id=the-good>The good</h2> <a aria-hidden=true href=#the-good>#the-good</a></div>
<p>I used to think that the Free Software Foundation was the best foundation on planet Earth. That is not true. I now realize that the FSF cares not about user freedom, and barely even cares about software freedom.</p>
<p>The Free Software Foundation does good things, such as the GNU Project and the Defective By Design campaign. They do great things for the free software movement, and only the free software movement.</p>
<div class=h><h2 id=the-bad>The bad</h2> <a aria-hidden=true href=#the-bad>#the-bad</a></div>
<p>The Free Software Foundation's "Respect Your Freedom" certification absolutely does NOT apply to free hardware. It only applies to hardware in which the software that can be modified is free.</p>
<p>This means that most of the non-free software can't even be replaced with free software if there was a free replacement, meaning the hardware is LESS free! For example, most if not all RYF laptops have an Atheros chipset wireless card using ath9k or prior. The Atheros wireless chipset, prior to ath10k, used read-only memory, or ROM, to store the firmware for the device. This means that the operating system doesn't need to have any knowledge of the firmware, and the user doesn't need to install non-free firmware onto the OS. This, however, is not freedom. Modern wireless cards, such as the ones produced by Intel and Realtek, load firmware from the OS in order to save on ROM space. This means that the OS needs to have non-free software installed in order to use the card. But the operating system could load a different, free firmware load instead, giving the user more freedom.</p>
<p>The RYF certification also does not require that the hardware schematics nor CAD files be released under a free license, so the hardware itself doesn't even respect your freedom.</p>
<p>Would you rather be trapped, or trapped with an option to escape? That is the question the RYF certification brings with it. I would choose the latter.</p>
<div class=h><h2 id=the-ugly>The ugly</h2> <a aria-hidden=true href=#the-ugly>#the-ugly</a></div>
<p>Even deeper into the RYF certification, we come across exceptions. Exceptions, exceptions, exceptions. Not only are they not made clealy aware to the user, but they make a device even more non-free than it would have been otherwise. For example, Purism (more on them later) is <a href=https://wp.puri.sm/posts/librem5-solving-the-first-fsf-ryf-hurdle/>trying to become RYF certified on their devices by hiding the proprietary blobs required for them to function, instead of working on removing them.</a> Secondary processors running the non-free software is perfectly fine according to the FSF. Some freedom, hiding the restrictions under more restrictions.</p>
<p>Purism. Where do I start. Not only are they doing shady business with they own products, they're doing even shadier business with <a href=https://store.start9.com/>Start9</a>'s products. They worked together to create a proprietary hardware server running proprietary software, Start9's own source-available "free and open source" (yes they claimed this, they mean gratis and source-available, but just want to make people think they're ethical) operating system EmbassyOS. Start9 also resells the Raspberry Pi 4 for 654 USD, but that's besides the point. The point really is, the FSF endorses Purism and their OS, even though they do shady backhanded deals with unethical companies like Start9.</p>
<p>Just another side note, but a <b>very</b> important one: the FSF's website (and the GNU website; I haven't checked other campaigns, but probably them as well) is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. This license permits no derivatives, stripping the user of basic freedom number three: the freedom to distribute copies of modified versions to others. Pretty hypocritical, isn't it?</p>
<div class=h><h2 id=conclusion>Conclusion</h2> <a aria-hidden=true href=#conclusion>#conclusion</a></div>
<p>All in all, the FSF has done wonders for the free software movement, but definitely not for any other movement involving freedom. I personally do not donate to them and will not, but I don't judge you if you do, even though they haven't done much for free software recently. I do hope that they see the error of their ways at some point, don't continue the RYF certification in it's current form, and stop promoting free software made by unethical people.</p>
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<div class=h><h1 id=free-assange>#FreeAssange</h1> <a aria-hidden=true href=#free=assange>#free-assange</a></div>
<p>Jesus Christ. Ten whole years it's been, and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is still under attack. Somehow, some way, the United Kingdom's government has decided that Assange should be extradited to the US, where he would likely be held in a maximum security prison, ignoring his already worsening health. Freedom of the press is a joke, and Assange is the punch line.</p>
<p>For those not in the loop, Assange is the founder of <a href=//wikileaks.org>WikiLeaks</a>, a non-profit organization that publishes state secrets in the public interest. This, as you could probably guess, is problematic for shady governments like the US. Assange has done great things for freedom of the press and the public, but you can't speak truth in a kingdom of lies, so the UK Home Secretary Priti Patel has decided to extradite Assange to the US because of the things published on WikiLeaks concerning the US government and constant pressure from the US.</p>
<p>What did he do? That's complicated. Assange is wanted in the United States on 18 criminal charges regarding the thousands of secret diplomatic and military documents published by WikiLeaks in 2009 and 2010 concerning wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The British Home Office made this statement: "In this case, the UK courts have not found that it would be oppressive, unjust, or an abuse of process to extradite Mr. Assange." I, personally, find it unjust. The first ammendment guarantees freedom of the press in the United States. I don't think the founding fathers wanted to make an exception for US war crimes, but here we are. Assange is facing charges because the US government doesn't want the people to know that it's actually corrupt.</p>
<p>The Continental Congress of 1776 declared that if a government becomes abusive, then it loses its validity and should be overthrown. The people who drafted the Constitution were very aware of that danger. The US government<sub><small>1</small></sub> today, in my opinion, is abusive, as it<sub><small>1</small></sub> is censoring and trying to imprison the biggest advocate of free speech and freedom of the press for speaking out against it<sub><small>1</small></sub>.</p>
<p>We the people can do more than just sit and wait for everything to go south, though. We can <a href=//www.freeassange.net/press/>protest</a> and we can <a href=//www.couragefound.org>inform others</a> about the situation. The more people fight for freedom, the more freedom we will get. If Assange is imprisoned, it sets a horrible precedent for freedom-related trials in the future. Governments will start to censor even more, bring down freedom as a whole, and we end up in 1984 even more than we already are. Assange's freedom means our freedom, and his imprisonment means our imprisonment.</p>
<p>I stand with Assange, for freedom, against censorship. The US wants to break the law to hide their war crimes, and I will not let them. What happens behind closed doors is not my business, but the doors to the US's crimes have been unjustly closed in my face, and I will not stand for it. I hope you feel the same way, and I hope you spread the word. #FreeAssange.</p>
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<div class=h><h1 id=contact>Contact me</h1> <a aria-hidden=true href=#contact>#contact</a></div>
<p>There are several ways to contact me. If it isn't listed here, it isn't me.</p>
<p>This list is in the order of most preferred to least preferred.</p>
<li><a rel="me" href=mailto:cobra@vern.cc>E-mail</a> (<a href=/media/0x083FF6F9.asc>PGP public key</a>) (currently not working)</li>
<li><a rel="me" href=xmpp:cobra@vern.cc>XMPP/Jabber</a></li>
<li>I am active on IRC on libera.chat in #librespeech and #nontel as <code>cobra</code>, and on tilde.chat in #vern, also as <code>cobra</code></li>
<li><a rel="me" href=matrix:@cobra:inetd.xyz>Matrix (inetd.xyz)</a></li>
<li><a rel="me" href=matrix:@cobra:vern.cc>Matrix (vern.cc)</a></li>
<li><a rel="me" href=//fedi.vern.cc/@cobra>Mastodon</a></li>
<li><a rel="me" href=//pt.vern.cc/a/cobra>PeerTube</a></li>
<li><a rel="me" href=//git.vern.cc/cobra>Gitea</a></li>
<p>PGP fingerprint is <code>D81C 131A AF89 C56B 5C5D C98F 4FD8 F812 083F F6F9</code></p>
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<p>All HTML and CSS on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0. The HTML is derived from the HTML on <a href=//vern.cc>vern.cc</a> and was created by myself, Arya Kiran, and Daksh Dangwal. The CSS is derived from CSS created by Daksh Dangwal.</p>
<p>The image in the top left corner (and the favicon) is also licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. The cobra image was taken by Michael Allen Smith, and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 2.0. Tux plush photo and Thinkpad photo are both taken by me. The image is edited by me.</p>
<p>If you have questions about any other legal details about this site, <a href=/contact>contact me</a>.</p>
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<div class=h><h1 id=donate>Donate to me</h1> <a aria-hidden=true href=#donate>#donate</a></div>
<p>I only, ONLY take donations through Monero.</p>
<p>My XMR address is <code>46Hd2Ktx1HE7rXzSueHHFz75VUL41MFWAV6xatvKLiDeBa68qXxA6JzifbkJX8NwtMgeLNp2qGuu33nG7aGcsaHHNday7YQ</code>. Any other address is NOT me.</p>
<p>Note: these are not donations for <span class=vern>~vern</span>. <span class=vern>~vern</span> donations can be found at <a href=//vern.cc/donations>vern.cc/donations</a>.</p>
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<p>Copyright (C) 2022 Moxie Widulski, license CC BY-SA 4.0</p>
<p>Find the source code for this website on <a href="//git.vern.cc/cobra/cobra.vern.cc">my git</a></p>
<p>This site is my own personal site, not a part of <span class=vern>~vern</span></p>

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<title>Cobra's site</title>
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<div class=h><h1 id=top>The Cobra's webpage</h1> <a aria-hidden=true href=#top>#top</a></div>
<p><b>Free software is software that respects users' freedom and community.</b></p>
<p>Yo waddup, I'm Moxie Widulski, AKA The Cobra. I am a student, sysadmin, programmer, <a href="https://stallman.org/saint.html">Church Of Emacs Saint</a>, and supertuxkart prodigy.</p>
<p>I run <a href="https://trisquel.info/">Trisquel GNU/Linux</a> on my <a href="https://libreboot.org/">libreboot</a> ThinkPad T500 and <a href="https://postmarketos.org/">postmarketOS</a> on my mostly deblobbed <a href="https://pine64.org/">PinePhone</a>. I'm a <a href="https://gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a> developer and activist, and use only free software.</p>
<p><a href="/media/tone.7">Here</a>'s a man page for tone indicators as command line flags</p>
<p>Copyright information about various things on this site can be found <a href=/copyright>here</a></p>
<img src="/media/saint.png" alt="I am a Saint In the Church Of Emacs">
<div class=h><h3 id=interests>Some of my interests include:</h3> <a aria-hidden=true href=#interests>#interests</a></div>
<li>Free software</li>
<li>Free speech</li>
<li>Computer science</li>
<li>Music and music theory</li>
<li><span class=vern>~vern</span></li>
<p><small>* Just a little</small></p>
<div class=h><h3 id=langs>The programming languages I know/use are:</h3> <a aria-hidden=true href=#langs>#langs</a></div>
<div class=h><h3 id=hardware>Hardware/firmware/OS/DE I use:</h3> <a aria-hidden=true href=#hardwaare>#hardware</a></div>
<li><b>IBM Thinkpad T500</b></li>
<li>Trisquel GNU/Linux</li>
<li>8 GB DDR3 RAM</li>
<li>Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9300 CPU</li>
<li>Intel Mobile 4 Series Chipset GPU</li>
<li>300 GB WDC WD3200LPVX-75V0TT0 HDD</li>
<li>Super Multi DVD Rewriter CD/DVD RW drive</li>
<li><b>PINE64 PinePhone v1.2</b></li>
<li>Das U-Boot</li>
<li>3 GB LPDDR3 RAM</li>
<li>Allwinner A64 CPU</li>
<li>Mali 400 MP2 GPU</li>
<li>Quectel EG25-G with Biktorgj's modem firmware</li>
<li>256 GB SD card</li>
<div class=h><h3 id=software>Software et al. miscellaneous things I use:</h3> <a aria-hidden=true href=#software>#software</a></div>
<li>Element Web</li>
<li>GNU Screen</li>
<li>Tor Browser</li>
<div class=h><h3 id=music>Some music that I like in no particular order (non-free licenses sadly):</h3> <a aria-hidden=true href=#music>#music</a></div>
<li>Des Rocs</li>
<li>Clay Melton</li>
<li>The Blue Stones</li>
<li>8 Graves</li>
<li>Adam Jensen</li>
<li>Barns Courtney</li>
<li>Saint Motel</li>
<li>Poor Man's Poison</li>
<li>Greta Van Fleet</li>
<li>Al Bowlly</li>
<li>Billy Joel</li>
<li>The Velveteers</li>
<li>twenty one pilots</li>
<li>Call Me Karizma</li>
<li>David Bowie</li>
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.\" Generated by scdoc 1.10.1
.\" Complete documentation for this program is not available as a GNU info page
.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
.el .ds Aq '
.ad l
.\" Begin generated content:
.TH "tone" "7" "2022-05-11" "Tone Indicators" "Text Chat Manual Pages"
tone - Tone Indicators
\fBTone\fR is what a phrase or statement means or comes across as \fIdespite what it's
actually saying\fR. Examples of tone could be serious, joking, lighthearted, etc.
\fBTone indicators\fR are things you can include with text to indicate what the tone
of it is. Some people have difficulty picking up on tone. Communicating through
text only makes this harder due to lack of \fIaudio and physical cues\fR (voice
inflection, body language, facial expressions, etc.). \fBTagging\fR what tone you are
using can be very helpful for others' understanding of what you're saying,
clarification, avoiding miscommunications, etc. Tone indicators can be used any
time of place you may be communicating through text.
\fB-a --alt --alterous\fR
Sentence is alterous.
\fB-A --abs --absolute\fR
Conversation is over.
\fB-b --brag --bragging\fR
Speaker is bragging.
\fB-B --bore --bored\fR
Speaker is bored.
\fB-c --calm --calmly\fR
Speaker is calm.
\fB-C --comf --comforting\fR
Sentence is comforting.
\fB-d --deep\fR
Statement is 'deep'.
\fB-D --def --defensive\fR
Speaker is being defensive.
\fB-e --excited\fR
Speaker is excited.
\fB-E --endearing\fR
Sentence is endearing.
\fB-f --fake --false\fR
Sentence is false/fake.
\fB-F --fl --flirting\fR
Speaker is flirting.
\fB-g --gen --genuine\fR
Sentence is genuine.
\fB-G --gent --gentle\fR
Speaker is being gentle.
\fB-h --hj --half-joking\fR
Speaker is half-joking.
\fB-H --hyp --hyperbole\fR
Sentence is a hyperbole.
\fB-i --info --information\fR
Sentence is information/informing.
\fB-I --irr --irrevelant\fR
Sentence is irrelevant.
\fB-j --joke --joking\fR
Sentence is a joke.
\fB-J --jit --jittery\fR
Speaker is jittery.
\fB-k --know --knowing\fR
Speaker knows something (the listener may not).
\fB-l --lit --literally\fR
Sentence is literal.
\fB-L --lyr --lyrics\fR
Sentence is lyrics.
\fB-m --meta --metaphor\fR
Sentence is a metaphor.
\fB-M --mad\fR
Speaker is mad.
\fB-n --not [OPTION]\fR
Not OPTION. Can be combined (e.g. -ns is -n -s).
\fB-N --neg --negative\fR
Sentence has a negative connotation.
\fB-o --order\fR
Sentence is an order.
\fB-O --obv --obvious\fR
Sentence is obvious.
\fB-p --platonic\fR
Sentence is platonic.
\fB-P --pos --positive\fR
Sentence has a positive connotation.
\fB-q --question\fR
Sentence is a question.
\fB-Q --quote\fR
Sentence is a direct quote.
\fB-r --rom --romantic\fR
Speaker is being romantic.
\fB-R --rhet --rhetorical\fR
Sentence is rhetorical.
\fB-s --sarc --sarcastic\fR
Speaker is being sarcastic.
\fB-S --srs --serious\fR
Speaker is being serious (same as -n -s).
\fB-t --th --threat\fR
Sentence is a threat.
\fB-T --teasing\fR
Speaker is teasing.
\fB-u --upset\fR
Speaker is upset.
\fB-U --urg --urgent\fR
Sentence regards an urgent matter.
\fB-v --vent --venting\fR
Speaker is venting.
\fB-V --vio --violent\fR
Sentence is violent.
\fB-x --sexual\fR
Sentence is sexual.
\fB-y --you --at-you\fR
Sentence is aimed at you.
\fB-Y --yell --yelling\fR
Speaker is yelling.
\fB-z --sleepy\fR
Speaker is sleepy/tired.
\fB--bait --clickbait\fR
Sentence is clickbait.
\fB--cel --celebratory\fR
Sentence is celebratory.
\fB--curi --curious\fR
Speaker is curious.
\fB--fam --familial\fR
Sentence is familial.
\fB--flex --flexing\fR
Speaker is flexing.
\fB--gr --general\fR
In general; not specific.
\fB--ij --inside-joke\fR
Sentence is an inside joke.
\fB--int --intentional\fR
Sentence is intentional (useful alongside -n).
\fB--nerv --nervous\fR
Speaker is nervous.
\fB--neu --neutral\fR
Sentence has a neutral connotation.
\fB--nnn --someone\fR
"Not naming names". Speaker is talking about a specific
person/group of people without naming them directly.
\fB--pa --passive-aggressive\fR
Sentence is passive aggressive.
\fB--para --paraphrase\fR
Speaker is paraphrasing.
\fB--pf --playful\fR
Sentence is playful.
\fB--rd --rude\fR
Speaker is being rude.
\fB--st --statement\fR
Sentence is a statement (same as -n -q).
\fBsentence\fR \fI-Eg\fR
.RS 4
Say a sentence endearingly and genuinely.
\fBsentence\fR \fI-q -n -y\fR
.RS 4
Say a question not directed at the listener.
.RS 4
Moxie Widulski

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<link rel=stylesheet href="/style.css">
<a href=/><img src="/media/cobra3.jpg" alt="Cobra" class="navlogo"></a>
<a href="/projects">Projects</a>
<a href="/blog">Blog</a>
<a href="/donations">Donate</a>
<a href="/contact">Contact</a>

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">
<title>Cobra's projects</title>
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<div class=h><h1 id=projects>My projects</h1> <a aria-hidden=true href=#projects>#projects</a></div>
<p>I have contributed to a few projects, namely:</p>
<li><a href=//vern.cc>~vern</a> - A tilde hosting many front-ends and services</li>
<li><a href=//git.vern.cc/cobra/libHelical>libHelical</a> - A library for Matrix clients written in C</li>
<li><a href=//codeberg.org/nontel>Nontel</a> - Free firmware for wifi devices</li>
<li><a href=//git.vern.cc/cobra/.files/src/branch/main/.prompt>Untitled BASH prompt</a> - An elegant and complex BASH prompt</li>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>The Cobra's blog</title>
<description>The Cobra's personal blog</description>
<pubDate>Tue, 14 Jun 2022 01:47:59 -0400</pubDate>
<description>The US government's fight against freedom</description>
<pubDate>Fri, 17 Jun 2022 14:58:09 -0400</pubDate>
<title>Free SOFTWARE Foundation</title>
<description>Why the FSF should not be looked up to</description>
<pubDate>Thu, 16 Jun 2022 01:10:46 -0400</pubDate>
<title>Who is The Cobra?</title>
<description>Who am I? Why should you read my blog?</description>
<pubDate>Tue, 14 Jun 2022 01:47:59 -0400</pubDate>

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